Gertie’s is a listing platform for artists, by artists.

Gertie’s Live + Work listings are $2.
It is FREE to post a Seeking listing.

Listings expire after 30 days.

All listings are reviewed by Gertie’s.
If your listing is not approved for any reason, we will refund your $2.

If you are having issues adding images to your listing, try uploading the images first and then refreshing the Add Listing page. Then, add all your listing info.

If you have any questions or issues, reach out to us:

Get our weekly listings email.

What are you looking for?

Gertie’s Live/Work was started by two artists who wanted to create an online community to help creatives list or rent space in New York City. We list live, live/work and work spaces. All our listings are reviewed before they are shared with the community.

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